Senior portraits have come a long way from where they were back in 19.... well, when I graduated. Long gone are the days of standing in line in the school gym and waiting for you one snapshot chance at looking your best (which let's face it, even at the glorious age of 17, it's hard to pull off). Or going to the studio and picking one of four backgrounds that every friend in your school used and being made to look dreamily at the corner of the room for a "magic" photo. If you are thinking that at some point I'm going to volunteer my senior picture as an example, you are sorely mistaken.
But why have senior portraits become so important? Families will wait for years to get family photos done (the kids will still be kids next year, right?). Adults....well, when was the last time an adult voluntarily submitted to a portrait session, unless they are the few, camera loving ones? Occasionally we will see the portraits that Grandma and Grandpa had taken a few years back, before the age digits started hitting the 80+.
Let me let you in on the secret: senior portraits have become a rite of passage. This is the place in the timeline of their lives where kids are about to become grown ups (even if they don't know it). It's the point where they look ahead and there is far more than the class schedule for next semester; they're looking at career and life choices that will have lifelong impact. The are feeling the need to be told, yes, you are old enough and ready for this. It is also a time when Mom and Dad are trying to learn to let go, but want to capture the last of their kids as they are before the fly the coop. Their last reminder of what the kids were like "when they were kids."
Our seniors know who they are, know what they want and are ready to get it. They are exposed to all kinds of social media, cameras, and media in general. They certainly know more about the world and how it works than I did at their age. Seniors are ready to show who they are, their attitude towards the world, their likes and their accomplishments. They all want to be models, taking photos is no longer a novelty. They have been practicing in front of mirrors for several years (yes, I know they have, I have teenagers), waiting to be photographed "for reals." They no longer want to have photos they will be embarrassed to show in 5 to 10 years. They want to be able to say "look how beautiful I was when I was 17!" They want to look like they could be in a magazine spread and fit right in.
Professional senior portraits are no longer an extravagance. They are a parent's gift to their senior, a reward for hard work, and that little push in the back that says "go get 'em." And while anybody can take a photo, a professional photographer can capture style, emotion, and the overall "vibe" of your senior. A professional photographer takes into account every detail from clothing and make up to lighting, backgrounds and posing. These details are not learned and applied instantly, they come from years of experience.
Stay tuned for more on why you want to hire a professional, even if your friend/sister/cousin has a nice camera.
Professional senior portraits are no longer an extravagance. They are a parent's gift to their senior, a reward for hard work, and that little push in the back that says "go get 'em." And while anybody can take a photo, a professional photographer can capture style, emotion, and the overall "vibe" of your senior. A professional photographer takes into account every detail from clothing and make up to lighting, backgrounds and posing. These details are not learned and applied instantly, they come from years of experience.
Stay tuned for more on why you want to hire a professional, even if your friend/sister/cousin has a nice camera.

My name is Analia and I specialize in family, children and teens photography in Eugene, Oregon and the surrounding areas. If you enjoyed this article please feel free to browse the rest of this website. You can help spread the word about my work (pretty please) by "liking" my Facebook Page, or by following me on Twitter and Pinterest. Thanks for stopping by!